Mentorat jeunes afev


I am taking action against inequality : I am donating to Afev

Thanks to Afev, thousands of students get involved every year to support young people in difficulty at school and build communities in working-class areas. By fighting against educational and social inequality, they take action for a fairer and more united society, while developing useful skills for their professional future. 

Today, in order to make sure its actions are sustained and develop over the long run, Afev needs you.

Support high impact social actions !

  • Allow more young people in difficulty to receive support from a volunteer student mentor two hours a week.
  • Help the development of solidarity projects led by our Civic Service volunteers in schools and by our solidarity housemates in disadvantaged areas.
  • Support the emergence of new innovative projects to fight against inequality.

How to support us :

  • By check sent at the following address : Afev – Service donateurs 221, rue La Fayette 75010 Paris. As soon as we receive your donation, you will get a tax receipt by mail.
  • By making a donation on the HelloAsso platform. This platform will create and automatically send you your tax receipt.

Afev is considered a public-interest organization

Each donation made to Afev generates a tax receipt that allows the donor to get a 66% tax reduction on the donated amount (tax reductions are capped at 20% of the taxable income but they can be transferred over a 5 years period).

Online privacy

We absolutely need your address to send you the tax receipt.
You can trust us with your donation
Afev’s accounts are certified by an external auditor and published every year on

For all enquiries, please write to us !